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Genre: Italian Genre Films

  • Devil's Hand, The / Bloodlust!
    Hole, Jr., William J. / Brook, Ralph, 1962 / 1963
  • Demons
    Bava, Lamberto, 1985
  • Terror (aka La Settima Donna)
    Prosperi, Franco, 1978
  • Once Upon A Time in the West (Blu-ray)
    Leone, Sergio, 1968
  • Herion Busters, The
    Castellari, Enzo G., 1977
  • Death Occurred Last Night
    Tessari, Duccio, 1970
  • Killer Likes Candy, The
    Chentrens, Federico / Cloche, Maurice, 1968
  • Secret of Dorian Gray, The
    Dallamano, Massimo, 1970
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