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Genre: Maverick Directors
Directors: 276

Annakin, Ken

  • Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies, 1969

Anthony, Joseph

  • Rainmaker, The, 1956

Ashby, Hal

  • Being There, 1979
  • Being There (Blu-Ray), 1979
  • Bound For Glory, 1976
  • Harold and Maude, 1971
  • Shampoo, 1975

Assayas, Olivier

  • Boarding Gate, 2007

Audiard, Jacques

  • A Prophet (Un prophète), 2009

Avildsen, John G.

  • Formula, The, 1980
  • Karate Kid, The, 1984
  • Rocky, 1976
  • Rocky 5, 1990
  • Save the Tiger, 1973

Ayer, David

  • Street Kings, 2008

Balabanov, Aleksey

  • Cargo 200, 2007
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