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Genre: Film Noir
Directors: 150

Fitzmaurice, George

  • Unholy Garden, 1931

Fleischer, Richard

  • Clay Pigeon, The, 1949
  • Follow Me Quietly, 1949
  • Narrow Margin, 1952
  • Trapped, 1949

Florey, Robert

  • Dangerously They Live, 1941
  • Florentine Dagger, The, 1935

Franklin, Richard

  • Road Games, 1981

Fregonese, Hugo

  • Black Tuesday, 1954

Godfrey, Peter

  • Woman in White, The, 1948

Gordon, Michael

  • An Act of Murder a.k.a. I Stand Accused, 1948
  • Secret of Convict Lake, The, 1951

Goulding, Edmund

  • Nightmare Alley, 1947
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