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Genre: Spanish
Directors: 95
Auerbach, Nic
Bajo Ulloa, Juanma
- La Madre Muerta (aka The Dead Mother), 1993
Balaguer, Javier / Loriga, Ray
- Solo Mia (Mine Alone) / Theresa, The Body Of Christ, 2001 / 2007
Balagueró, Jaume / Plaza, Paco
Bardem, Miguel
- Swindled (aka Incautos), 2004
- Ugliest Woman in the World, The (PAL), 1999
Barison, David / Ross, Daniel
Baron, Martin Garrido
- H6 - Diary of Serial Killer, 2005
Bartel, Paul
- Secret Cinema, The / Naughty Nurse, The, 1968 / 1969
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